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  This land was 1/4 sim done in one day by me and my work partner Jordan. The only instructions we had was tropical clean design with a gym and a beach. The house was the client's house.
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Client Work Mareya

Our client wanted a beautiful tropical scenery with flowers.  She asked for a gym, starbucks, Restaurant and a beauty salon that we provided designed by us. She wanted a zen garden to be able to relax near the water. Roads and beautiful paths to take a walk. This 1/2 sim was really fun to do. Thank you Mareya for trusting me with your home ♥  


This amazing wedding venue is Twilight style requested buy the futur husband and wife. Very romantic feeling through out the venue. This was very special for me since it was my daughter's wedding. Here is a link so you can see the venue : Facebook  

Client work (Kay)

We had the pleasure to this landscaping country lake style with the demands of this client. This was on a1/4 sim land. Customer satisfied once again, what a pleasure.  

CLIENT WORK!! Bariki Restaurant

This is a client work for his business. This was a demand for exotic landscaping and once again we did more then expected. 100% satisfation once again that's what makes us proud. This land was 1/2 a sim.  

<<<::::::::MOUTON NOIR:::::::>>> River

This specific design is for 64x64 land and takes only 1439 prims. This new project is to avoid you having to be on a waiting list and paying exorbitant prices for a landscaper.. We all know that now furniture and decoration are very expensive and so are the houses. So we decided to make some decors and put them all in a rezzer that when you pay for the decor we go rez it at your land and terraform for you to fit the design you choose. This time you avoid everything that is annoying to people getting a new land 1. waiting lists 2. the time it takes to make a design 3. having a land and house all decorated and landscaping in minutes by professionals 4. You also avoid having to buy everything because a complete design is about 20K when complete designs. If you change lands for a new one we go rez it back for you no charge because you already got it once. If you decide to take a new scene it will be 50% off but the land has to be in your name or this condition wont apply. All are scenes ar...

<<<::::::::MOUTON NOIR:::::::>>> The Dirt

  This specific design is for 64x64 land and takes only 801 prims. This new project is to avoid you having to be on a waiting list and paying exorbitant prices for a landscaper.. We all know that now furniture and decoration are very expensive and so are the houses. So we decided to make some decors and put them all in a rezzer that when you pay for the decor we go rez it at your land and terraform for you to fit the design you choose. This time you avoid everything that is annoying to people getting a new land 1. waiting lists 2. the time it takes to make a design 3. having a land and house all decorated and landscaping in minutes by professionals 4. You also avoid having to buy everything because a complete design is about 20K when complete designs. If you change lands for a new one we go rez it back for you no charge because you already got it once. If you decide to take a new scene it will be 50% off but the land has to be in your name or this condition wont apply. All are scen...